Crossing Borders / Sweet Crossings–eBook edition


Please Note:  This eBook is delivered as two separate files.  One for Crossing Borders, and another for Sweet Crossings.


192 chefs created 192 fusion recipes, both savory & sweet, combining ingredients from over 75 different countries. With recipes from the likes of Eric Ripert, Ivy Stark, Bill Telepan, Christina Tosi, Marc Forgione, Ghaya Oliveira, David Burke, Anastacia Song, Daniel Boulud. Antonio Bachour, Ron Ben-Israel and Florian Bellinger, this book contains the largest collection of chefs and the most fusion recipes than any book ever. As always with Battman, it’s a one of a kind book.

"Crossing Borders-Let’s Put Our Differences Aside and Just Cook. In the 80’s there was a thing called Fusion in the restaurant. It was an attempt to mix 2 or more cuisines together. It wasn’t done very well and it got a bad reputation. Now fusion is a bad word. When I was putting this book together I went to one of the most reputable restaurants and asked them to contribute a recipe to my Fusion book. They said they wouldn’t be able to do that. While sitting there I came up with the name “Crossing Borders” and they said OK!" - Battman