THANK YOU for making The Great Gathering of Chefs a wonderful success!

153 Chefs came together in one room to help raise money and awareness for Food and Finance High School, autographing 100 copies of the new Crossing Borders/Sweet Crossings cookbook. Guests were treated to a magnificent dine-around tasting from 15 of New York’s finest restaurants while mingling with some of the culinary industry’s brightest stars. We are especially thankful to everyone who supported this event, including all of the hardworking volunteers, and our generous sponsors. THANK YOU!

Special Thanks to our volunteers!

Wang Yuan
Andrew Gold
Jahqyad Austin
Janiya Modeste
Marielle Martinez
Christopher Bowen
Michael Stanton
Christopher Mazzella
Jaylen Downer
Aaliyah Pompey
Kayla Rupat

The Great Gathering of Chefs is an annual charity fundraising event held in New York City.  This gala event will bring together nearly 150 of New York’s most renowned chefs to autograph copies of the new Crossing Borders / Sweet Crossings cookbook by Battman which has been created specifically for the occasion.  Guests can mingle with these culinary masters while viewing the beautiful displays of food photography and sampling some of the delicious cuisine featured in the book.

When: Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Chef Book Signing (VIP tickets only):  3:30-5:00pm
Dine Around Tasting (Main Event): 6:00-8:00pm

Where:  Prince George Ballroom, 15 E 27th St, New York, NY



The Food Education Fund (FEF) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that works to promote sustainable positive life outcomes for the youth of New York City. FEF increases access to education and career opportunities through the academic and experiential learning programs at Food and Finance High School, the only four year culinary high school in NYC; advances research in sustainable food sourcing through its collaboration with higher education institutions through its hydroponic and aquaponics laboratories; and through various support services, helps the students of Food and Finance High School develop critical professional and interpersonal skills such as decision-making, financial literacy, job-readiness and citizenship.

About Food and Finance High School:
Preparation for higher-learning and the workforce is key to the ongoing success of our students. NYC comes together at Food and Finance High School to provide a rigorous and rewarding Regents Diploma and culinary curriculum for our students. We’re more than a school, we are a community that supports our students as they tackle new challenges and reach new heights. We work to inspire and to empower our students.

  • Students learn the true reward of hard work, dependability and time management from a staff of acclaimed chefs, educators and business leaders that oversee their curriculum, field trips and internships.
  • Food and Finance works to understand its students’ barriers of success and develops additional programs to support their needs and dreams.

Many Thanks to Our Sponsored Partners and Participating Restaurants


Chefs Who Have Participated in the Great Gathering

Aaron Oster
Abe Hiroki
Adam Botaw
Adam Longworth
Adrienne Odom
Aki Kamozawa
Alain Allegretti
Alain Josephs
Alan Ashkinazi
Albert DiMeglio
Alex Espiritu
Alex Garcia
Alex Grunert
Alex M. Stupak
Alex Volfman
Alexander Williamson
Alexandra Guarnaschelli
Alexis Pisciotta
Alison Brushaber
Aliya LeeKong
Allen Susser
Amanda Cook
Amanda Freitag
Amanda Labarbera
Amorette Casaus
Amy Louise Eubanks
Andrea Bergquist
Andrea Jarosh
Andrea Lorenzi
Andrea Tutunjian
Andrew Carmellini
Andrew Gold
Andrew Hnatko
Andy D’Amico
Andy Nusser
Angela Pinkerton
Angelo Pappalardo
Anita Lo
Anne Rosenzweig
Anthony Ricco
Anthony Smith
Antonio Bachour
Antonio Prontelli
Ari Nieminen
Ariane Daguin
Armando Carbone
Arnold Wilkerson
Art Smith
Ashely Brauze
Ayumu Matsuda
Barbara Smith
Baz Brown
Ben Pollinger
Bertrand Chemel
Beth Pilar
Bill Dorrler
Bill Telepan
Bill Yosses
Bobby Flay
Brad Steelman
Brandon Kida
Brett Reichler
Brian Bistrong
Brian Ray
Brian Wieler
Brooks Headley
Carlos Buscaglia
Carlos Fajardo
Carlos Zhagui
Carmen Quagliata
Carmine Di Giovanni
Carrie Levin
Carrie Starcher
Cat Cora
Catherine Lahitette
Catrine Oscarson
Cedric Vongerichten
Celeste Reyes
Cesare Casella
Chad Hardin
Charleen Badman
Charles Rodriguez
Charles Wong
Charlie Palmer
Charlie Restivo
Charlie Trotter
Cheng-Hua Yang
Chris Christou
Chris Deluna
Chris Gesualdi
Chris Jaeckle
Chris Lewis
Chris Lim
Christian Albin
Christian Delouvrier
Christine Sanchez
Christopher Barber
Christopher Devine
Christopher Lee
Christopher Shea
Christopher W. Broberg
Cindy Bearman
Clarisa Martino
Claude Alain Solliard
Claude Godard
Claudio Quito
Colleen Grapes
Cornelius Gallagher
Cory Colton
Craig Koketsu
Cyril Renaud
Damian Sansonetti
Damon Gordon
Damon Wise
Dan Barber
Dan Kluger
Dan Silverman
Dan Tucker
Daniel Boulud
Daniel Humm
Daniel Romero
Daniel Skurnick
Danielle Kapner
Dante Boccuzzi
David Buico
David Burke
David Carmichael
David Lopez
David Malbequi
David Nichols
David Pasternack
David Rosengarten
David Waltuck
Deborah Racicot
Deborah Snyder
Della Gossett
Denis Fitzgerald
Derrick Styczek
Derrick VanDuzer
Devin Mc David
Domingo Gabriel
Dominic Cerrone
Dominique Ansel
Doron Wong
Douglas Psaltis
Duwaine Harris
Ed Brown
Eddy LeRoux
Edward M. Brown
Efraim Nahon
Elena Didier
Eli Kershtein
Eli Martinez
Elishia Richards
Elizabeth Dahl
Elizabeth Katz
Ellen Sternau
Emeril Lagasse
Emile Castillo
Emily Isaac
Emily Wallendjack
Eric Basulto
Eric Bertoia
Eric Hara
Eric Ripert
Erica Hanson
Erica Leahy
Erik Battes
Erik Blauberg
Erin Burns
Fabrizio Carro
Felix Castro
Fernando Navas
Florian Bellanger
Franck Deletrain
Franck LaBasse
Frank DeCarlo
Frank Proto
Franklin Becker
Fred Mero
Gabriel Aiello
Gabriel Kreuther
Gabriel Sorgi
Gabriele Riva
Gale Grand
Gary Robins
Gary Volkov
Gary Walia
Gavin Kaysen
Geoffrey Zakarian
George McKirdy
George Mendes
Gerardo Minos
Ghaya Oliveira
Gina DePalma
Giuseppe Tentori
Grant Achatz
Gregory Brainin
Gustavo Tzoc
H. Alexander Talbot
H. Kemis Lawrence
Harold Dieterie
Harold Soo Hyung Kim
Heather Bertinetti
Heather Carlucci-Rodriguez
Hemant Mathur
Hirohisa Hayash
Hongfu Feng
Hugo Reyes
Hung Huynh
Ian Coogan
Ian Russo
Igor Schiglik
Ilma Lopez
Ivy Stark
Jacinto Guadaramma
Jacky Pluton
Jacqueline Zion
Jacques Torres
Jake Klein
James Brockman
James D. Rosebud
James Distefano
James Kent
James Reinhold
James Vellano
Jamison Blankenship
Jan Mendelson
Jane Ebert
Janos Noka
Jansen Chan
Jasmine Bojic
Jason Avery
Jason Hall
Jason Krantz
Jason Potanovich
Javier Fonseca
Jawn Chasteen
Jay Shaffer
Jean François Bruel
Jean Louis Dumonet
Jean Pierre Leverier
Jean-François Bonnet
Jean-Georges Vongerichten
Jeff Skiba
Jennifer Giblin
Jennifer Shelbo
Jennifer Yee
Jenny McCoy
Jeremy Bearman
Jeremy Culver
Jermaine Morgan
Jerome Maure
Jerome Vidy
Jessica Isaacs
Jesús Núñez
Jijie Hong
Jim Leiken
Joanna Pruess
Joe Calderone
Joe DiMaggio
Joe Murphy
Joel Dennis
Joel Reiss
Joël Robuchon
Johan Svensson
John DeLucie
John Fraser
John Greeley
John Miele
John Mooney
Johnny Iuzzini
Jonnatan Leiva
José “Pepe” Rodriguez
José LaVariega
José Mendin
Jose Paulo Cortes
José Velez
Joseph A. Cacace
Joseph Buenconsejo
Josh Gripper
Josue Ramos
Juan José Cuevas
Julian Alonzo
Julian Medina
Juliana Gonzales
Julie E. Farias
Julie Reiner
Justin Bogle
Kamila Singh
Karen DeMasco
Karen McGrath
Karine Bakhoum
Kary Goolsby
Katie Rosenhouse
KB Singh
Ken Larson
Kenneth W. Collins
Kenny Callaghan
Kevin Lasko
Kevin Sippel
Kierin Baldwin
Kimberly Bugler
Kirit Pant
Kiyomi Toda-Burke
Koji Kawaga
Kristine Mana-ay
Kyle Bailey
Larissa Raphael
Larry Kolar
Laurent Kalkotour
Laurent Manrique
Laurent Richard
Laurent Tourondel
Lawrence Knapp
Lindsey Hatt
Livio Velardo
Lon Symensma
Luc Dimnet
Lucinda Scala Quinn
Ludovic Augendre
Luis Robledo-Richards
Maggie Huff
Mallory Staley
Manabu Inoue
Marc Aumont
Marc Forgione
Marc Murphy
Marc Taxiera
Marc Vidal
Marcello Guevara
March Walker
Marco Martelli
Marco Porceddu
Marcus Gleadow-Ware
Marcus Samuelsson
Maria Lindstrand
Mario Batali
Marissa Morgan
Mark Federman
Mark Lapico
Mark Militello
Marshall J.P. Orton
Martin Brock
Martin Howard
Marva Layne
Massimo Bebber
Massimo Carbone
Matt Lewis
Matteo Bergamini
Matthew Accarrino
Matthew Corbett
Matthew Hagemann
Matthew Oetting
Max Malouf
Meg Galus
Melody Lee
Meredith Kurtzman
Michael Altman
Michael Amirati
Michael Anthony
Michael Bao Huynh
Michael Berl
Michael Brock
Michael Cressotti
Michael Frank
Michael Gabriel
Michael Ginor
Michael Jenkins
Michael Laiskonis
Michael Lipp
Michael Lockard
Michael Lomonaco
Michael Moorhouse
Michael Psilakis
Michael Romano
Michael Schulson
Michael White
Michal Shelkowitz
Michele Orsini
Michele Weber
Michelle Duran
Michelle Park
Michelle Tampakis
Milton Enriquez
Missy Robbins
Monica Bellissimo
Morgan Larsson
Myriam Eberhardt
Nancy Ferriss
Nancy Olson
Navatan Puangpadee
Neil G. Ferguson
Neil Murphy
Nicholas Lee
Nicholas Morgenstern
Nicholas Type
Nick Cataldo
Nickolas Kipper
Nicola Carro
Nicolas Cantrel
Nicolas Jammet
Nicole Kaplan
Niki Russ Federman
Nikki Elkins
Nils Norén
Nitzan Raz
Noah Carroll
Nobu Matsuhisa
Odette Fada
Olivier Muller
Oscar Bonelli
Pamela Nicholas
Patricia Williams
Patrick Clark
Patrick Lemble
Patti Jackson
Patty Centry
Paul Kahan
Paul Lefebvre
Paul Liebrandt
Paul Nolan
Pauline Balboa
Peco Zantilaveevan
Peter Beck
Peter Serpica
Petrous Moldovan
Philippe Fallait
Philippe Massoud
Philippe Muze
Pichet Ong
Pierre Gatel
Pierre Poulin
Pierré Schutz
Pierre Shaedelin
Prima Sooksagium
Rachel Binder
Rachel Lansang-Hidalgo
Ralf Kuettel
Ralph Scamardella
Randolph Hernandez
Raphael Haasz
Ratha Chau
Rebecca Charles
Regina Anderson
Renato Poliafito
Richard G. Garcia
Richard Leach
Rick Moonen
Rick Tramanto
Ricky Estrellado
Ritsuko Yamaguchi
Rob Valencia
Robbin Haas
Robert Bleifer
Robert Ryan
Robert Truitt
Robert Ubhaus
Roberto Bellissimo
Roberto Pagan
Ron Malina
Rosemary Addo
Ryan Jaronik
Sam Hazen
Sam Mason
Samire Soares
Sammy DeMarco
Sandra Palmer
Sandro Micheli
Sandro Romano
Sandy Ingber
Sarah Beth Sherer
Sarah Magoon
Scott Burnett
Scott Conant
Scott Cutaneo
Scott Owen
Scott Romano
Scott Varricchio
Sébastien Rouxel
Sergio Navarro
Sergio Sigala
Shaun Hergatt
Shawn Gawle
Shelly Acuna
Shuna Lydon
Siggy Nakanishi
Sim Cass
Sisha Ortuzar
Stan Matusevich
Stanley Licairac
Stefano Riccioletti
Stéphane Motir
Stephen Alleyne
Stephen Bruce
Stephen Collucci
Stephen Lewandowski
Steve Dustin
Steven Cak
Steven Duong
Stuart Tarff
Sue Torres
Sujit Bose
Sunny Anderson
Surbhi Sahni
Susan Lifrieri
Susan Stockton
Susur Lee
Suvir Saran
Sylvain Delpique
Sylvain Leroy
Tadashi Ono
Tanaporn Tangwibulchai
Thiago Silva
Thomas Keller
Thomas Obaton
Tiffany MacIsaac
Tim Dahl
Tim Graham
Timon Balloo
Timothy Reardon
Tina Casaceli
TJ Obias
Todd Mitgang
Tom Colicchio
Tom Valenti
Toni Robertson
Tony Aiazzi
Toshio Tomita
Tyler Florence
Urs Koller
Vandana Naik
Vera Tong
Vicki Wells
Vincent Nargi
Vinny Scotto
Waldy Malouf
Wayne Brackman
Wayne Nish
Wendy Marte
Wylie Dufresne
Xavier Boyer
Yang Huang
Yasin Varol
Yosuke Suga
Yuhi Fujinaga
Zachary Golper
Zak Miller