The Strangest thing I have ever eaten is……………. at the bottom of this page. The story of Mawa McQueen is equal parts passion and serendipity. Born on Africa’s Ivory Coast and raised in Paris, France, Mawa’s first introduction to the...
Myr favorite tool. Chinese Cleaver Your current and/or most recent restaurants North Shore Country Club When and where were you born? Mount Vernon NY What was your first job in food? snack bar cook When you were a...
The strangest thing I’ve ever eaten. Chocolate Covered Cicadas Website Your current and/or most recent restaurants A Pop-up When and where were you born? USA, raised in Europe. What was...
The hardest thing for me to learn was You can’t do it on your own. Your current and/or most recent restaurants El Vez Fort Lauderdale When and where were you born? 1974, bogota Colombia What was your first job in food? Campus catering...
Name Gerard Van Staden When I was a kid I wanted to be an Egyptologist Website When I was a kid I wanted to be an Egyptologist When and where were you born? Zimbabwe What was your first job in food? Chef...
When I was a kid I wanted to be an Artist or Architect Home How do you deal with the stress? Meditate, Meditate, Meditate – it’s the only thing I’ve ever found that works. Your current and/or most recent restaurants Deerfield Episcopal...