It’s been a little busy since my last entry. Her I am with Dan Kluger, executive chef at ABC Kitchen. Dan put together a really nice dish for “Crossing Borders. Of course it’s a secret as all the Crossing Borders dishes are. Secret not only to the public but the other chefs as well.Next we’re off to The Union Club with executive chef Jean-Louis Dumonet. A private club on the east side. It’s a bad angel for keeping a secret. Looks like a tomato to me.
The Food Network hosted a charity tasting to raise money for The School Food and Finance. An amazing public school that has a garden on the roof and a fish farm in the basement with 20,000 fish. Lots of celebrity chefs including Elizabeth Karmel (Hill Country), Robert Bliefer (Food Network) , Joey Campanaro (Little Owl),Marc Murphy (Chopped), Josh Capon (Lure Fishbar), Aaron Sanchez (Food Network) and Alex Guarnaschelli (Iron Chef)
Last but not least, it’s me with Ted Allen and Marc Murphy